Delivering what we promise - together

NHS – Continue to Deliver What They Promise

P W Gates Distribution Ltd and the NHS have a common theme, they both deliver what they promise, and our wonderful NHS is still delivering; the pandemic is an unprecedented challenge and the response from our NHS has been incredible.

P W Gates wanted to let the NHS and key workers know that they are not forgotten. P W Gates are flying the flag with two 10ft x 10ft banners to say thank you for their strength and positivity through such an extraordinary year, it has been immense.

Not only have the NHS delivered a magnificent response to the global pandemic, they have also produced a ‘People Plan 2020/21’ – this has some great information, provides an insight into the NHS, and explains how they are implementing the plan. It also contains some incredible portraits from Rankin. To view his portraits and find out more about the ‘People Plan’ and their ‘Our NHS People Promise’ you can follow the link here: –

Thankyou NHS and all key workers, we applaud you.