Unfortunately, Conor Wheeler will not complete the 2021 BSB race season. A crash at Silverstone involving at least 3 bikes including Conor’s has left him with an arm injury that will need a bit of time to heal.
Initially after the crash, Conor went to the Silverstone on site medical centre and was then transferred to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Conor suffered a fractured humerus and elbow, as well as a dislocated elbow which would require an operation incorporating plates and screws.
Just 2 days and 7 hours later, Conor had his operation, which was a success. The surgeon who operated commented afterwards, saying that it was such an excellent job that he might consider printing and framing the final X-ray to hang on his wall!
Conor is in good spirits and has returned home to have physiotherapy using lasers and magnets. Not only does this type of physio help with the healing but it also helps to alleviate the pain.
We are now looking forward to next years season, click the link here to view a snapshot of Conor’s 2021 season including the infamous last X-ray.